Sunday, March 7, 2010

An apology and something funny

Guess who forgot until yesterday that she was supposed to post the next round of First Page Fridays?

She's tall, loves revision, and has been working late the past few weeks.* I was so tired this morning that I forgot my coffee.

You get the idea. Rather than give you more excuses, I hope to earn your forgiveness by the following:

Please go read it and have a good laugh. Then come back and tell me where you are in the critique process and how you handle it.

*Yes, my apartment looks like I've been working late the past few weeks.


TerryLynnJohnson said...

Yes, that was an excellent read. Thank you!

Steena Holmes said...

LOL ;)

I switch between 6 & 7 - 6 right before I open my critique, 7 while I'm reading it :)

Tess said...

Ha! I am such a 'bargainer'. It's always, "Yes, but...."

I'm working on it, honestly I am.

Michelle said...

It's all good. We understand how crazy your schedule has been lately. And everyone, watch for our guest blogger tomorrow!